Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Censor This II, Kickin' it Old School

After much debate and wondering how I am going to pull off an exhibition that was as talked about as Censor This, I have decided to go back to my roots.

All the exhibition prints in this show will be shot on film and I will hand print them myself. Novel concept as I have a medium formant camera and full, yet dusty, darkroom in my basement.

The challenge, I feel is to remember what it was like shooting only 10 images and then reloading as opposed to shooting over a hundred images without stopping. Without making the images look stiff and posed. it shouldn't be hard right? It was only 6 years ago that I was shooting this way so why should I be leery?

The curator of the Art House Lounge is advertising this show as "Censor This II…More erotic than the 1st". What it took to get the images for the first was in part letting my wonderful models do their thing. I set the stage, the lighting and the action I want to shoot and then photograph them moving performing. With film, it is a much slower and thoughtful process and I need to get the images I want and not look stiff or forced.

So that is my thought for today, as I try not to think too much of Friday and my wife's surgery, I am instead trying to focus on my art and the exhibition. Although as the day progresses and we get closer it is hard not to think about it.

I am sure my next post or two will be about my wife and my thoughts on her cancer but for now I am trying to recruit new models for the exhibition and come up with my game plan for the show.

If you read my blog and are interested in modeling and being a part of Censor This ii, please drop me a line.

1 comment:

Essin' Em said...

Sounds like an awesome project! Wish I could involved. good luck!