Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Visual Diary

I haven't written too much lately. The last few weeks have been a blur, full of emotion and anxiety.
Just about a month ago my wife felt a lump in her left breast. She has been through mammograms, an ultrasound and an MRI and the conclusion is that this small lump is breast cancer. My wife calls the lump her traitor mutant cells. This mutant, who measures about a centimeter in length, has totally changed our lives. Image less than 30 days ago we had a somewhat normal life and our biggest battle was how we felt the next morning after going to the gym. Now we are fighting breast cancer.
Breast cancer, even typing it still makes me weepy. On the bright side, this has been caught very early and my wife's prognosis is excellent. So we are extremely hopeful for a swift end to the traitor mutant cells.
In trying to deal with this, I have done my research on line and have tried to see what support there is out there for the spouse. I have to tell you their isn't shit out there for support, especially for someone like myself,who is not religious and in fact an Atheist.
So to help stay strong I have started a visual journal. This journal will document in some way our journey. I have always dealt with and expressed my feelings through my camera, so why stop now. My wife is allowing me to photograph this and I love her even more for it. If you are interested in seeing this journal please visit My Personal Gallery

Also, my wife has enrolled in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day walk for a cure. She has walked previously but the significance of the walk this year has drastically changed. I will also be involved working on the crew. We are participating in the walk in Washington DC, October 8-10. If you are interested in donating, please click the link below.

Thank you,


Help me reach my goal for the Susan G. Komen Washington, DC 3-Day for the Cure!

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