Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The evolution of an exhibition

With my solo exhibition being 2 months away I thought I post an update on it's progress. When this offer was first presented to me by the owner of the ArtHouse Lounge gallery, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to show the work that I have been very interested in shooting and pushing. The gallery has given me complete control to show the work I want, no censoring what so ever. How often does that happen! So with the exhibition being an erotic show, I now had the opportunity to shoot and actually exhibit the type of photography that I really feel is lacking. Honest, truthful and beautiful erotic images.
The first thing I did was go through my existing catalog of work and pull out the images that I felt would work for this exhibition. Once I figured that out I began shooting new work with the idea that they would be in the show. I never realized that as the new work took shape the show would evolve as much as it did.
This evolution has really opened my eyes to how much the censorship issues has stifled my creativity. I have the models who will pose anyway I ask them but sometimes the shoots have stopped short of what I wanted to achieve. So now with basically 2 to 3 weeks left to shoot then another 4 to print and frame, I have to let it all hang out, sort to speak and make sure that these next sessions I do not self censor during the actual photo session.
Currently the show has a nice mix of male and female nudes from mild to what some might call wild.
I know as these next few photo session occur the show may evolve once again.
This has been a soul searching journey into my artwork that I hope many of you have a chance to see.
I will be posting more info as it gets closer but mark August 15th on your calendars!

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