Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Workshops are back

It's a new year and I am deciding to start teaching photography workshops again. They will range from teaching the amateur how to use their new digital camera to a nude photography workshop for professional photographers.
But, the first workshop is for those couples out there who received a new digital camera for the holidays and want to have "fun" with it. You know what I mean.

Now that you don't need to send your film to the mall photography lab or deal with smelly a Polaroid, you can get creative and take those photos of each other that are sexy and fun.
Yes, I am talking about a workshop geared towards couples who want to take sensual nude photos of each other.

There are many ways to express your love and lust for each other and what better way to do it then to take that new camera and point it at each other in the bedroom.
This will be a one day workshop where I will be demonstrating poses and lighting using my beautiful wife as my model. Then you will get to try them yourself under my guidance using your own camera. You will learn how use lighting around the house and to pose each other to create sexy and fun photos!

The particulars of this workshop are being worked out but it will be sometime in April. So if you are interested, please drop me a line and get on the list. Because of the hands-on nature of this workshop it will be limited to 10 couples.

This workshop really is a great way to connect with your loved one, have fun and have those special photos for your own use.

You can see some samples of my sexual nudes at The Sensual Portrait

Don't be shy, contact me today! michael@baronephotoart.com

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